Bible 101
All 7-12 graders are invited to meet at 5 PM in room 127 for an old-fashioned Bible Study. We will cover a wide range of topics during these studies and try to make these relevant for all age levels. At 6 PM, we will eat together (at the Wednesday night meal) and then attend the Wednesday evening services and class that night.

Youth Led Wednesday
Every second Wednesday night of the month, the young men of the youth group will lead the devotional thought in the auditorium before Bible class. A young man will lead singing, another speak, and another pray.

Bible 101
All 7-12 graders are invited to meet at 5 PM in room 127 for an old-fashioned Bible Study. We will cover a wide range of topics during these studies and try to make these relevant for all age levels. At 6 PM, we will eat together (at the Wednesday night meal) and then attend the Wednesday evening services and class that night.

After @
After @
On the first Wednesday of every month, the youth group will go to a different place to simply hang out. Whether this be Sonic, Baskin-Robbins, or somewhere else. The bus will not run to this event; students must find a ride to and from the location.

Dinner and Devo
The youth group will get together after worship on the first Sunday evening of every month and spend time sharing a meal in a church member’s home and then participate in a devotional.
This month’s sponsors: The Carroll’s and Duncan’s

Evangelism University
Evangelism University is not a youth rally, but is designed specifically for High School leaders in your youth group who are spiritually ready to begin sharing the Gospel with those around them. Located in Savannah, TN, EU is an intense weekend of in-depth and practical evangelism training. Classes will equip students with skills to share the Good News with their friends, as well as increase their knowledge of mission works at home and abroad. Elective classes will give young people the opportunity to learn about areas of evangelism most pertinent to their lives.
This event is for 9th-12th graders.
Cost: $25
Area Wide Worship
All 7-12 graders are invited to an area wide worship service at Millington Church of Christ.
Youth Led Wednesday
Every second Wednesday night of the month, the young men of the youth group will lead the devotional thought in the auditorium before Bible class. A young man will lead singing, another speak, and another pray.

Bible 101
All 7-12 graders are invited to meet at 5 PM in room 127 for an old-fashioned Bible Study. We will cover a wide range of topics during these studies and try to make these relevant for all age levels. At 6 PM, we will eat together (at the Wednesday night meal) and then attend the Wednesday evening services and class that night.

Dinner and Devo
The youth group will get together after worship on the first Sunday evening of every month and spend time sharing a meal in a church member’s home and then participate in a devotional.
This month’s sponsors: Gilbert and Bush families
After @
After @ the Youth Room
On the first Wednesday of every month, the youth group will go to a different place to simply hang out. Whether this be Sonic, Baskin-Robbins, or somewhere else. The bus will not run to this event; students must find a ride to and from the location.

Youth-Led Worship
Join us for our evening worship service as the young men from GYG will lead us in song, scripture reading, prayer, and devotional thoughts.

Christmas Field Trip
More information to come, but we will leave the church building at 2:30 and will return at 7:00

Bible 101
All 7-12 graders are invited to meet at 5 PM in room 127 for an old-fashioned Bible Study. We will cover a wide range of topics during these studies and try to make these relevant for all age levels. At 6 PM, we will eat together (at the Wednesday night meal) and then attend the Wednesday evening services and class that night.

Christmas Party
We will have our GYG Christmas party immediately following evening worship service: Dirty Santa, Ugly Sweater Contest, Christmas Movies, and More!
Youth Led Wednesday
Every second Wednesday night of the month, the young men of the youth group will lead the devotional thought in the auditorium before Bible class. A young man will lead singing, another speak, and another pray.

Bible 101
All 7-12 graders are invited to meet at 5 PM in room 127 for an old-fashioned Bible Study. We will cover a wide range of topics during these studies and try to make these relevant for all age levels. At 6 PM, we will eat together (at the Wednesday night meal) and then attend the Wednesday evening services and class that night.
After @
After @ the Youth Room
On the first Wednesday of every month, the youth group will go to a different place to simply hang out. Whether this be Sonic, Baskin-Robbins, or somewhere else. The bus will not run to this event; students must find a ride to and from the location.

Winter Quarter Calendar Meeting
Join us after Bible classes in the Youth Room for a brief meeting to go over the GYG winter calendar

Bible 101
All 7-12 graders are invited to meet at 5 PM in the Youth Classroom for an old-fashioned Bible Study. We will cover a wide range of topics during these studies and try to make these relevant for all age levels. At 6 PM, we will eat together (at the Wednesday night meal) and then attend the Wednesday evening services and class that night.

Bible 101
All 7-12 graders are invited to meet at 5 PM in the Youth Classroom for an old-fashioned Bible Study. We will cover a wide range of topics during these studies and try to make these relevant for all age levels. At 6 PM, we will eat together (at the Wednesday night meal) and then attend the Wednesday evening services and class that night.

WAG - Punkin’ Hunkin’ & Chunkin’
WAG stands for Wednesday Nights at Germantown. Bring $5 for dinner.

Trunk or Treat
This is a free community event, so be sure to invite your friends. We will have food, candy, inflatables, and other activities. Church members, we need you to get involved by decorating your cars, handing out candy, and providing cakes for our cake walk.

Bible 101
All 7-12 graders are invited to meet at 5 PM in the Youth Classroom for an old-fashioned Bible Study. We will cover a wide range of topics during these studies and try to make these relevant for all age levels. At 6 PM, we will eat together (at the Wednesday night meal) and then attend the Wednesday evening services and class that night.