May I ask you a personal question?
Okay, here's a personal question you may not want to answer, depending on your age, but…
Should We Stop Praying?
Let me ask you: can you ever really pray too much?
Be careful, because the answer may surprise you. I know Paul said to pray without ceasing and Jesus said to pray at all times and don't lose heart.
Life’s Burdens
Life is full of expectations, isn't it?
You get up in the morning and there are certain home responsibilities that have to be met: children to feed, clothe, educate, load up in the car and get to those appointments.
Overcoming Failure
How does a person best handle failure?
For every winner in life, there are far more individuals who have competed and lost. How do you get up and go on?
What makes a prayer effective?
How would you describe an effective prayer? Would it be one that left you feeling good inside, or one that received the response you desired?
Our Gift and Our Responsibility
Some Old Testament proverbs are read quickly, cause a chuckle, and are then gone. Like the one proverb that says, “He who blesses his friend with a loud voice early in the morning, it will be reckoned a curse to him.”
The 2 Most Important Words You’ll Read Today
These two words may be the most important words you'll hear today. These words are found in a letter written by the Apostle Paul from a Roman jail in the first century.
How to respond when people tell you the Bible is Outdated
So you think the Bible is outdated? Well, let me ask you a few questions.
Can we get rich by asking God?
Is the Bible current? Perhaps more than you've been led to believe. For example, take Haggai, an Old Testament prophet sent by God to tell the Israelites to finish building the temple in Jerusalem.
Keep Returning
Is the Bible relevant? Well it depends. It's the most honest book in the world, showing people at their best and their worst. And it's the most revealing commentary on human nature you'll ever find.