May I ask you a personal question?

Okay, here's a personal question you may not want to answer, depending on your age, but…

How old are you?

Now, I really didn't expect you to answer, which is a good thing. You probably saw it or even said out loud, “That's none of your business.” And that is fascinating. When we were children, we couldn't wait until we were older. We bragged about it. Do you remember how thrilled you were when your age actually went into double digits? As we age, we avoid saying anything at the risk of being embarrassed until we get old enough to realize that it's no longer possible to hide our age, or really important enough to care.

Here's an important question. How mature are you?

The Bible says in many places that a time comes when we need to grow up and be mature thinkers, to quit acting like children, to have the innocent heart of a child without being childish. That's the goal.


Do you want the bad news, or good news?


Should We Stop Praying?