Should We Stop Praying?

Let me ask you: can you ever really pray too much?

Be careful, because the answer may surprise you. I know Paul said to pray without ceasing and Jesus said to pray at all times and don't lose heart. But the Bible also says there are times when we shouldn't pray. Jeremiah questioned God, and God responded: Even though Moses and Samuel were to pray to me, I wouldn't hear them (Jeremiah 15:1). God had already made up his mind. So in other words, don't pray.

God also said to Moses, you're not going into the Promised Land, so be quiet and don't pray to me again. It wasn't that God was vindictive, but Moses had to pay the consequences for disobeying God. We should always pray, but when God has spoken, it's in our best interest to obey.

Prayer is not our demand for God to deliver us, but our request for God to bless us in his way.


May I ask you a personal question?


Life’s Burdens