The Right Way to Cope

“Hey, you want to know what your problem is?”

When someone says that to you, you'd better sit down and buckle in because you are about to get the most ill-prepared, least factual and most emotional presentation you will ever receive. It will be so tempting for you to respond in kind. But if you do remember, you'll be just as ill-prepared, thoughtless and out of control as the one speaking to you. It may just be best to say “Thank you,” and go quietly about your business. Any other response will be fruitless.

The problem you have is most likely the same problem we all have. Each one of us faces daily challenges and we're all searching for the right means of coping. Without God, however, we will keep on searching in vain until the day we die. Without God and the Bible man has no real explanation of his creation, his purpose, or his future. That's not your problem. That's our problem. And God is the answer.


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