November 10, 2024
The time has changed-literally - and the leaves are ‘falling in line’ as if to recognize that ‘time marches on.’ It is a gorgeous time to be outside! We are enjoying so many blessings from God—and we are entering the time of year that has to be a favorite for God-fearing people...Thanksgiving.

November 3, 2024
It was a great weekend of worship on Sunday! We had guests visiting, some coming back from Fall break, and so many ‘regulars’ who are here because they recognize the beauty of being together to worship God and encourage their brothers and sisters. It was wonderful to worship with each one and we look forward to every occasion.

October 27, 2024
Our Trunk or Treat is now behind us and even though it was early, there will still be time for children to get out into the neighborhood on October 31. We are proud of our children and are dedicated to teaching them the truth of God’s word at every opportunity. We want to invite them to be a part of our Bible classes.

October 20, 2024
I’m already looking forward to two events that are upcoming quickly. The first is Trunk-in-Treat. It takes place on October 26. I’m already excited because I can see children in years past as they enjoy dressing up in friendly and colorful costumes that lets them ‘show off’ to the adults that are handing out the candy.

October 13, 2024
Thank you to all that have expressed your sympathy to Ann and me on the passing of Ann’s brother, Jeff. It is always a tragedy to lose a loved one, especially a brother. There will be a memorial service in Henderson in the near future. Please continue to remember Ann in your prayers.

October 6, 2024
We are certainly enjoying the fall weather, milder temperatures and all in our part of the world, while we are very aware of the devastation that has impacted the lives of so many across the country with the impact of hurricanes and tropical storms.

September 29, 2024
We’ve turned another corner, whether we knew it or not. The season has changed and we’re beginning to see the trend toward milder temperatures and more outdoor activities. Schools are in full session, sports activities are in high gear and academic pursuits are heavy on our minds.

September 22, 2024
The weather could not be more inviting to come out and be a part of the numerous activities taking place at our church building. I fully realize that our building does not limit the activities of our Christianity, but we are blessed with a wonderful focal point for our activities.