Word Association

Okay, let’s play a game of word association. What's the first thought that comes to your mind when I say the word “religion?” Positive or negative? It depends on your knowledge of religion or your experience.

Second word: “church.” Again, it depends on your knowledge about the church or your experience.

Last word: “Jesus.” Is it positive or negative? 

Regardless of your answer, may I encourage you not to allow negative experiences with any persons or group of persons to keep you from seeking and finding Jesus Christ? 

The starting point is the Bible. In it, God reveals that there is a purpose to life, and that purpose is revealed in a power-packed drama that is revealed in a variety of ways and through a variety of people. 

Where does one begin? Start at the beginning with Genesis and Exodus. It's a springboard for seeing how God works with his people. Then go to the Gospel of John and find Jesus. You’ll never regret it.


Potluck 101


‘Church’ Isn’t Even a Religious Word